Synse Python Client

The official Python client for Synse Server. This client allows programmatic access to the Synse Server API through a simple asynchronous interface. To get started with Synse, see the platform documentation.

>>> from synse import client
>>> c = client.HTTPClientV3(host='localhost')
>>> # Get the status
>>> resp = c.status()
>>> resp.status
>>> resp.timestamp
datetime.datetime(2019, 6, 3, 13, 47, 25, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
>>> # Get all device IDs
>>> for device in c.scan():
...  print(
>>> # Read from all devices
>>> for reading in
...     print('{:<15}{} {}'.format(
...         reading.type,
...         reading.value,
...         reading.unit['symbol'] if reading.unit else '',
...     ))
pressure       2 Pa
temperature    75 C
airflow        39 mm/s
pressure       -4 Pa
temperature    27 C
temperature    3 C
airflow        0 mm/s
status         locked
humidity       35 %
temperature    40 C
state          off
color          000000
state          off
color          000000
temperature    34 C
temperature    6 C


The latest version of the Synse Python client can be installed with pip:

$ pip install synse


  • Asynchronous API requests
  • HTTP API client
  • WebSocket API client
  • Custom errors for simpler exception handling
  • Response objects so you don’t have to deal with JSON


Feedback for the Synse Python client is greatly appreciated! If you experience any issues, find the documentation unclear, have feature requests, or just have questions about it, we’d love to know. Feel free to open an issue on GitHub with any feedback you may have. If you are reporting a bug, please provide as much context as you can.