
Test environments are managed by tox and the tests are run via pytest.

Additionally, project formatting and linting may be executed in tox environments (fmt and lint, respectively) which use twine, autopep8, isort, and flake8.

Unit tests are found in the tests/unit directory. Similarly, integration tests are found in the tests/integration directory. For convenience, Makefile targets are included to run project tests.

Unit tests

Unit tests may be run via tox:

$ tox tests/unit

or via make:

$ make test

Integration tests

Integration tests require docker-compose, which is used to spin up a local ephemeral instance of Synse Server and a connected emulator plugin. These containers expose the API and data which the tests run against.

Integration tests may be run via tox:

$ docker-compose -f compose/integration.yaml rm -fsv
$ docker-compose -f compose/integration.yaml up -d
$ tox tests/integration
$ docker-compose -f compose/integration.yaml down

or via make:

$ make integration